Main page » News and development reports
Now it's time to back to development reports. This first new report on the site is small. As you know, section of city on which I working now, named SFe. And you remember that rocks in San Fierro through which we must swim in one of missions from Wu Zi Mu... Read more.
Before we move on to new reports, I invite your attention on the selected screenshots and other materials from previous reports, that were posted earlier not on the site, connected with Los Santos and San Fierro. Read more.
Today was released a new long (five minutes!) video from HRT 1.4 mod, that dedicated to the SFe section of San Fierro, work on which almost finished. Video is timed to opening of official site of the mod! Read more.
Site is opened!
Formally the site was launched in the last days of December 2013, but launched not means opened: users seen just «Coming soon» page with mod’s logo and nothing more. Now, today, I'm pleased to report that site is really opened! Read more.